The background: I went through years of dental treatment as a teenager including removeable braces, fixed braces and a head brace (only worn at night thankfully!). I pushed to have the braces off sooner than I probably should have and the retainers were not strong enough to stop my teeth all pushing forwards when my wisdom teeth came through.
Above: My teeth after years of braces
Above: My teeth as they are now
Now: I am mid-twenties and my lovely smile has gone :-( The 'now' photo shows my top front teeth are tilted slightly, one is getting squeezed behind the front one and my eye teeth are so big and chunky they cover up the back ones. My bottom teeth are swinging off to one side and one is tucked behind.
So I made the decision after I got engaged to sort out my teeth. Happened to mention invisalign to my mum who was all for it so I did my research and made some calls. I found a few invisalign providers, one wanted £50 for a 15minute consultation, another wanted £65 for a 30 minute consultation. I carried on researching and found a really good package which was worth travelling for with a free consultation, so I clicked on their contact details and they are based about 40 minute drive away, perfect!
I had to wait 6 weeks for my initial consultation as the orthdontist was away for 2 weeks. He is a platinum elite provider who also is a speaker for invisalign so he must be good!I was worried my teeth would not be suitable for inviaslign but Dr H has no concerns that I would be refused. I had my x-ray, the impressions done and the various photographs taken. We had a chat about what I wanted and what I wasn't happy with then he gave his opinions.
So now I have an appointment in just under 3 weeks time when hopefully the clincheck video will be ready! I was wondering if there would be a 6 week wait between each stage but its all moving nice and quickly!
The downside to making the decision to straighten my teeth is I am now obessed with looking at everybodys teeth at work, on tv, in the street, its a nightmare! I know I will never have a smile like Julia Roberts but I want one I can be proud of and hope someone might be a little jealous of :-)
So I will post again in 3 weeks when I know more about the treatment plan and how long its all going to take. Till then...